Friday, January 19, 2024


 It's been just over a year since my last blog post, and boy, has it been quite a year!

How "quite" you ask?

Well, let me tell you, it has been QUITE A GOOD YEAR!

Right now I am listening to (and watching now and then) Caravan to Midnight with John B Wells on Rumble.

I have no plan or schematic diagram with which to plot a course for meaningful discourse in this present post. So, relax. The world is about to change. Bigly.

Yes, I am a "conspiracy theorist," if you want to know. 

But I know that I am not in the minority, online or otherwise. 


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming!

Surely, you know that statement by heart, as a fully-initiated member of "The Great Awakening."

What? You're NOT a member (voluntarily, of course) of the "vast, Right-wing conspiracy" that was condemned repeatedly by Madam Hillary Clinton and others?

Well, we shall remedy that shortcoming forthwith! If not sooner...

Just in case you might be wondering where in the world I'm getting all these hair-brained ideas (and images), here you go.

Meet "Q"

Visit his/her/its/their website for all their intel drops (so far) at Q Alerts or Q Agg (aggregator).

You're welcome.

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