Saturday, November 13, 2021


IRENAEUS (courtesy of Wikipedia)


Dear Irenaeus,

Your classic tome, "Against Heresies," is worth a second look -- or is it a thousand-and-second look? Thank you for writing it, and for remaining faithful to the Word of God in your time on Earth! Amen.

Signed, Your Brother Peter (not THAT one)


In our day and age, when a thousand different heresies are ready to steal our loyalties to the Gospel that was "once for all delivered to the saints" (Jude 1:3), it is incumbent upon Christians of all ages to return to the FUNDAMENTALS OF THE FAITH that rescued us from a spiritually dead life and eventual, eternal death!

It is my joy to return to that GOSPEL once again, because there are many voices from many channels on the Internet, always vying for our affection and intellectual ascension to that which is temporary at best, and condemnation-worthy at worst!

Probably in answer to the prayers of me and the people who know (and presumably love) me, YHWH God has seen fit to renew my desire to escape from these intellectual and spiritual traps that are set before me and all who follow Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior in truth! 

This may be just a passing desire of mine to pursue a little online research into this fellow named Irenaeus -- which of course will involve Wikipedia.


Finally, a shameless plug for Scottsdale Bible Church (my home church), and its newly-minted satellite campus, North Chapel Bible Church in Fountain Hills. I am simultaneously blogging here and listening to a message series called "Acts: We're On a Mission From God" from the latter on Podbean (on another device). 

And it is blessing my socks off!

God bless, and stay focused on God's Word.

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