Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I thought I would join the chorus of onlookers and admirers of the world who saw our disputed (or beloved) president kill a fly during a televised interview. CNBC chief Washington correspondent John Harwood was interviewing President Barack Obama when a fly interrupted the proceedings. Obama then swatted it effectively and basked in the glory of his enemy's demise.

It's all over the news and the blogosphere. Even Rush Limbaugh (of course) got in on the act. On his show today, he made hilarious comments and played a sound clip from his original TV show, during which he steps on a fly and shows it to the camera and audience.

The best soundbite from the whole exchange of audio on his show was Rush's comment:

RUSH: Later in the show, I then murder the sucker, but not with my hands like Obama. I used my shoe. And killing a fly with a shoe is a much bigger insult in the fly world than killing an insect or a fly with your hand.

I laugh out loud every time I read that last sentence.

As you may or may not know, the biggest insult you can heap on your Middle East neighbor is to pound your shoe (or throw it at him, as one Iraqi reporter did to former President Bush) in a demonstration of disgust and disdain.

I know, jokes you have to explain aren't that funny. It still strikes my funny bone.

With a shoe.

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