Saturday, August 30, 2008


One wonders, why have a blog if one cannot maintain a minimum level of discourse, inviting intelligent responses from its (one's) readers? I ask you, dear imaginary readers. Why?

Well, as one ponders the answer(s) to such questions, one must proceed to finish a heretofore pointless blog entry in a fast-becoming-pointless blog. If there were such a thing as creative futility, doubtless this would be the place to showcase it. I mean, the only response I get to my blog is the Autosave feature of, every few minutes telling me, "Draft autosaved at 9:35 PM." And so it goes.

By the way, aren't you just elated at the selection by Senator John McCain (Republican presidential nominee) of Alaska governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate and future vice-president (and possible president!!!)? I am!

God save America from all evil (and Barack Obama). 

In Jesus' Name, amen.

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