Tuesday, May 29, 2018


So, this Netherlands business has gotten out of hand. Why do I keep having to permit cookies from the Netherlands in order to allow me to continue using their services (including Google Blogger and other Google services)?

Apparently, they still think I won't permit this. Maybe I shouldn't!

I'm still trying to figure that out...

In any event, here is a screenshot:

Notice the obnoxious gray bar across my beautiful blog! Dutch reads:
Deze site gebruikt cookies van Google om services te leveren en verkeer te analyseren. Je IP-adres en user-agent worden met Google gedeeld, samen met prestatie- en beveiligingsstatistieken om servicekwaliteit te garanderen, gebruiksstatistieken te genereren, misbruik te detecteren en maatregelen te treffen.

What? No sprokken zie Deutch? Nein. But I digress. The English translation is:
This site uses Google's cookies to provide services and analyze traffic. Your IP address and user agent are shared with Google, along with performance and security statistics to ensure service quality, generate usage statistics, detect abuse and take action.
This is starting to sound legitimate! Like an EU takeover. Am I being conspiratorial? You bet.

Stay tuned.

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