Saturday, September 11, 2010


I've been seriously looking into this whole preterist thing. I mean, being told I am in heresy, and I am embracing a false (another) gospel is bad, bad, bad. I have done everything in my power to re-educate myself in the ways of futurism, i.e., watched a Greg Laurie sermon on the Second Coming of Christ, and read Calvin's Institutes about the resurrection of the flesh. This, and praying that God would deliver me from false doctrine must be a good start on the road to repentance, recovery, and reform, right?

Well, I guess it's working. Now I'm scared out of my wits to even "go there" anymore. Blood really is thicker than water!

Gosh, now what am I? A confused, recovering (full) Preterist. May the God of the Bible have mercy on me and all those nasty full-preterists out there on the Internet. Aarrrgh!

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