Friday, September 24, 2010


Yes, it's true: I am a closet Preterist, with Futurist tendencies.

That's a good thing, right?

I mean, the possibility that I'm wrong about theology is far greater than the possibility that I'm right. And I'd rather admit I was wrong, than go on thinking I was right, when I wasn't. Does that sound crazy?

As long as Scriptures come up that seem to suggest if not mandate a bodily resurrection, I'm not ruling it out. There are plenty of futurists out there who will lend a credible warning to us followers of Christ who think maybe Jesus came in 70 AD as He said he would, that we're not Christians!

I believe in the Second Coming of Christ! I just think He came already. He is here!

Atheists use Jesus' own words "against" Him. They say, oh, He said He would return "soon." Oh well, I guess He forgot to come! Here we are, 2000 years later (almost), and He still hasn't "come again." Then they assert, that's why I'm not a Christian!

Late night musings.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glidt...I'm not a closet Preterist and I have all kinds of tendencies. Yes, it seems many of our "brothers" have no problem trying to put us in line, or out of line, depending how you take it. Hmmm? I hope they keep their same bodies. I want one that lasts a bit longer.