Saturday, September 26, 2020


 In the interest of blogging for the sake of blogging, let me post a little (or a lot) about engineering -- specifically, electrical and electronics engineering. Here is a link to my "S.T.E.M." page, which I mentioned in today's post title. 

This brings me to the natural question, why am I (and why have I been) thinking about becoming an engineer? An electronics engineer? Some midlife crisis? Middle-aged craziness? End-of-life issues? Who knows? God knows!

Honestly, I would rather let the Occupational Outlook Handbook do all the talking!

All I really want to do here today (for now...) is share the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In fact, here is a screenshot of their website to prove it:

There, I did it! I hope that is permissible with copyright law. You never know sometimes.

Hmmm, that was a contradictory statement, wasn't it? "Never... sometimes." It's all relative, you know!

Thank you for reading.

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