Tuesday, October 6, 2020


 Even though my Internet connection is currently suffering from some sort of overload and resultant latency, I will nevertheless soldier on...

As retired United States Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn once said, "We have an army of digital soldiers," "patriotic social media warriors" who will go to the mat (and the keyboard/touchscreen) with defending our freedoms and God-given rights to self-government (i.e., "of the people, by the people, and for the people").

With that said, I still have not finalized my choice of topic for this blog post. Perhaps it will be a number of things I will link to here on one of my Pages to advance the cause of information sharing. 

Take care and God bless, my fellow digital soldiers!

Saturday, September 26, 2020


 In the interest of blogging for the sake of blogging, let me post a little (or a lot) about engineering -- specifically, electrical and electronics engineering. Here is a link to my "S.T.E.M." page, which I mentioned in today's post title. 

This brings me to the natural question, why am I (and why have I been) thinking about becoming an engineer? An electronics engineer? Some midlife crisis? Middle-aged craziness? End-of-life issues? Who knows? God knows!

Honestly, I would rather let the Occupational Outlook Handbook do all the talking!

All I really want to do here today (for now...) is share the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In fact, here is a screenshot of their website to prove it:

There, I did it! I hope that is permissible with copyright law. You never know sometimes.

Hmmm, that was a contradictory statement, wasn't it? "Never... sometimes." It's all relative, you know!

Thank you for reading.

Monday, September 21, 2020


So, here I am...

Sixteen and a half months later... blogging AGAIN !!!

I just finished (for now) overhauling this blog once again. 

You like? That's okay. I prefer its present state to its former one of being "formless and void" (Genesis 1:2). But I digress. 

Well, that's all for now. Be back later. 😎