Friday, March 30, 2018


What??? A new tradition here at Worldview Window??? Perhaps. More like a modus operandi update, or something like that.

I want to post a link to a YouTube channel that I recommend to you now and frequently visit lately:


Now this is a good man! No pun intended... well, maybe. He runs CROWDSOURCE THE TRUTH on YouTube and other platforms. Jason has the voice, talent, and technical skills to man the helm with finesse, professionalism, and heart! Covering the news on a ground level with real newsmakers, he interviews them with a smooth delivery, patience, and a voice that commands listeners to listen. His guests are all too happy to oblige his journalism and friendly tone with willing answers, most of the time.

In any event, if you are a conspiracy addict like me, one who appreciates truth-seekers and real patriots, whatever country they may live in, you will want to follow up with this suggestion.

Here is a sample.

Oh yeah, that tradition... To post on this blog about a new source of truth, and link to it on my YOUTUBES (or other applicable) page. Now let's see if I'll do it... There! Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018


I want my "audience of one" (AKA you) to know that I am a fan and promoter of good, healthy living. Not a perfect paragon, an exemplary role model, or even a subject matter expert, on healthy living. But I know one thing: I need help doing it!

With that said, let me introduce you to an idea -- an idea that has become a reality for millions of people around the world! The idea, or reality, is that plant nutrition (fruits and vegetables) is the best source of nutrition for us humans. No, I am not a vegetarian. But this is true perhaps for all of God's creatures who forage and hunt for food in the wild (or in the grocery stores).

The Big Idea? Fruits and vegetables... in a capsule!  Or a chewable gummie... Or a powder... Or a bar...

Welcome to the solution! JUICE PLUS+

Bridge the Gap
from Healthy Living Revolution on Vimeo.


Now, I am not an advocate for strict vegetarianism/veganism, although I believe that to be a far healthier diet and lifestyle than an omnivorous one, such as mine (and perhaps yours, too). But just take my suggestion here as a prompt for you to think along those lines... Sort of "food for thought!"

Are you a part of the HEALTHY LIVING REVOLUTION ? You should be!

Take Healthy Back!
from Healthy Living Revolution on Vimeo.