Tuesday, December 19, 2017


Good morning, reader(s?)!

You have serendipitously stumbled upon the unofficial blog of a closet preterist (Christian believer in past fulfillment of Bible prophecy concerning Christ) who also finds the modern State of Israel to be the antithesis of Biblical Israel.

So where is this "safe space" I mentioned in the title?



You see, I am a preterist who believes the modern State of Israel is nothing more than a geopolitical invention of man, doubtlessly allowed by God, to afford a control center for globalist elite power brokers and financial titans (who otherwise rule the world) to continue doing just that, to their everlasting benefit.

I believe the Israel of God is now the Church, made of Jews and Gentiles alike. I do not believe the Jews will have their own separate salvation event. They, like us Gentiles, must get into the queue of grace and fall upon the Rock that is Christ Jesus (1 Corinthians 10:4) for salvation from God the Father's righteous judgment on the sins of humanity!


I know that sounds presumptuous on my part. It is. Therefore, I defer to the alternative media outlets-that-be for any credit in the body of work which delivers falsehood-weary pilgrims like you and me from this deceptive, evil world.

Please see my NEWS and YOUTUBES pages for a growing list of resources to help you escape from the Matrix of Lies  which envelope our information age!

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