Saturday, January 22, 2011


Here at Worldview Window, we pride ourselves (myself) on accurate, amateur, blog journalism. Whenever we can, we uncover a mystery by supplying relevant, hard-hitting links to news sources and commentary worth reading about.

Now for the meat. By way of Rush Limbaugh's site, I found an article in The UK Daily Mail Online which, as usual, does nothing to vindicate the anti-"Truther/Birther" movement (those who wish to put "President" Obama's constitutionality, or lack thereof, to rest). Once again, no light has been shed, no clarity has been achieved. But a lot of hot air and obfuscation has been perpetuated in this account as well. What else can "they" do but stall and throw nebulous statements of certainty at the issue.

I am still not convinced that Obama is not hiding the fact (I think) that he was not, in fact, born in the USA. Why the secrecy, obfuscation, and controversy over a supposedly settled issue?

Because it is not settled. Yet. Stay tuned.

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