Tuesday, October 19, 2010


My good friend (and fellow Preterist-in-progress, whose name shall be "Kerry" at this point) and I have discussed fulfilling a request by Gary Demar to bring about some sort of formulation online or in print regarding the Preterist understanding of eschatology, which is the study of last things in theology. We shall happily undertake this endeavor (did I say we shall enjoy it?)!

What I intend to do is create a page on his site, Apocalypse of Christ, about preterist eschatology and the myriad Scriptures supporting it. Not that Scripture can support "anything," but that Scripture can be interpreted because of it. That is our underlying and overarching belief, that preterism "unlocks" Bible prophecy like other interpretive systems only wish they could. Hint of boasting in the Lord, no doubt. Repentance is forthcoming and conditional upon our inaccuracy, the Lord willing.

Well, without further ado, I want to lay down the groundwork for this labor of love. A "project" implies an end. I suppose we could arrive at our destination, which is a comprehensive-- if not exhaustive-- eschatology, answering most "end of the world" questions which Christians and all people should be asking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good stuff Pete. And I will note for the benefit of others who may read your blog, that Pete is a good friend, and both of us are willing to engage with charity those who have questions or differ in their interpretations.
Pete won't say this about himself, but he is smart, and has a good grasp of scripture, and discernment of what is logical, and makes sense. He uses good exegesis, and hermeneutics, and is not afraid to defend a traditional position, or accept a new one. I trust his skills in analyzing a position. And if my position is in need of modification, I have no problems doing that, and will listen to Pete's interpretation. I have humbly done it before. Kerry.