Tuesday, March 6, 2007


I would like to take this opportunity to recommend that everyone who gets sick and stays home during the day listen online--when you're feeling better, of course-- to BBC radio. It is a refreshing, if not depressing, look at how people in other parts of the world look at the world, and the USA. Intellectually engaging, rather than sensually driven, it is a nice change from the usual hyperactive, attention-deficit-making cadence normally delivered by our mainstream media. It is particularly interesting to listen to how they cover stories from America.

What I like about it is, they take the time to discuss the issues and stories of interest, with plenty of input from the people involved and analysis by experts. You will feel, as I did, that the story has been adequately covered. A plus, which I also noticed with pleasure, is the noticeable--hence, I noticed-- LACK OF COMMERCIALS!!! Now I am betraying my apparent hypocrisy of supporting capitalism and disdaining commercials. My remedy for this would be to buy a satellite radio, right?

I encourage you all to check out the BBC World Service online.

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