Even after getting rid of several boxes full of books, I still think, "I have too many books!"I occasionally find time -- and attention span -- to enjoy (or start to enjoy) "a good book." Needless to say, King Solomon was right when he said, "Of making many books THERE IS NO END, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.."(Ecclesiastes 12:12 NKJV emphasis mine)
Which brings me to my question: Why on Earth did I buy/acquire all these books anyway?
Well, here is my answer: Because I have A.D.B.D. (Always Distracted By Diversions)! Perhaps these were valid diversions from my mundane lifestyle. Perhaps they were springboards for deeper thought experiments and personal growth.
Or I was just delusional enough to believe I would actually finish reading these books! Books are like friends. They call you when you need them most. And they are always available.
Finally, I am rediscovering my love for these books that I have purchased or received freely over these many years. It is great to feel "smart" once again! Indeed.